Will Writing Services for Surrey and West London
Get a Will – Get Protected
Firstly, there is no pressure. At our meeting, I would give a full explanation of my services and costs. This includes the following types of Wills:
- Single or Mirror Wills – This is a Will stating the wishes of an individual person.
- Protective Property Wills – In certain circumstances these Wills can protect property from the consequences of the Community Care Act of 1990.
- Living Wills (also called Advance Directive Wills) – This type of Will expresses the wishes of a person who may be suffering from a severe medical condition and is designed to assist both the family and medical staff.
Setting Up Trusts
The following are some of the more common Trusts I can help prepare:
- Discretionary Trusts – These Trusts are where trustees can make certain decisions about how to use the trust income, and sometimes the capital. Discretionary trusts can be used to make gifts either during your lifetime or after your death.
- Children or Grandchildren’s Trusts (also known as a Bare Trust) – A Bare Trust is a simple but binding legal agreement, where assets are held by a trustee (e.g. parent or grandparent) for the benefit of a beneficiary (child).
- Disabled Person’s Trust (also known as Discretionary Trusts) – These are where the trustees can make certain decisions about how to use the trust income and sometimes the capital.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
I provide advice on establishing Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). There are two types of LPA, one covering health and welfare and the other covering property and financial affairs. You can make an LPA for one or both areas depending on your needs.
- Health and Welfare LPA – Who would manage your affairs should you become incapable due to a stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s
- Property and Financial affairs LPA – Who will sign cheques, documents, withdraw money from your account to pay the bills? Unless you have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, your partner may need to apply to the Court for permission to handle your affairs. All of these problems can be resolved by putting a Power of Attorney in place. This allows for the appointment of someone to look after your financial and/or personal affairs if you become incapacitated for any reason.
Bereavement Administration – Probate
Dealing with the numerous matters involved with a person’s estate can be an extremely daunting task, especially for someone who has recently lost a loved one. My clients find my services caring, professional and time-efficient.
I correspond with SWW trust corporation and conduct thorough ‘fact finding’ home visits of the deceased state to ascertain pertinent information for key stakeholders such as the Courts, Banks and Inland Revenue to help administer the Probate process and gather together the information required to finalise a person’s estate. My fees, in most cases, are also more competitive than a solicitor.
Storing your will
We can provide a secure document storage vault to guard against loss or damage. It means that if a copy of a valuable document is mislaid, you’ll know that the original is in safekeeping. You will receive a document I.D. Card and a Free Will update when required.
How does your Probate services work?
Sometimes the existing executors of a Will may not be able to act if feel intimidated by such a daunting responsibility. In these cases, using an impartial probate expert can be vital to a smooth and efficient probate process. I act on behalf of one of the biggest probate companies in the UK – The SWW Trust Corporation.
I act promptly and efficiently upon receiving instruction to visit the executors or deceased’s home to carry out a ‘fact find.’ The information is then passed onto the SWW Trust Corporation for them to carry out the necessary procedures. In turn, they correspond with the Courts, Banks and Inland Revenue to help administer the Probate process and gather together the information required to finalise a person’s estate to quickly complete the probate formalities. During this time, I am contactable 24/7 to answer any questions. The SWW Trust Corporation specialise only in Probate matters and their fees are generally much lower than high street Solicitors.
Severance of Tenancy
I can give advice on ‘home ownership’ in terms of Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common.
Contact me
If you would like more information or to make an appointment you can of course telephone or email me.
You may prefer to request a callback using this form. Whichever is easier for you, please be assured that I will respond as soon as possible, usually the same day.
Contact John Osborn on 0208 398 4683 or 07778 929 141 email: john.osborn@mail.com